Élben az Élen 1983 óta Magyar zászló

45 000 HUF vásárlás felett ingyenes kiszállítás

Wakizashi Sword (Dragonfly)

Wakizashi Sword (Dragonfly)
Wakizashi Sword (Dragonfly)
Cold Steel
279 000 Ft
Nettó ár: 219 685 Ft
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Cold Steel Wakizashi Sword (Dragonfly)






    • Pengeanyag: 1060 szénacél


    • Pengehossz: 55,9 cm


    • Pengevastagság: 3,1 mm


    • Markolat: 24,1 cm, Samé (rájabőr), récezöld zsinórfonattal és sárgaréz Menuki-val


    • Teljes hossz: 80 cm


    • Súly: 859 g


    • Tok: fekete lakkozott fa hüvely




További gyártói információk:


Many Japanese swords offered today are interpretive copies of antiquities from feudal Japan, and they were made for warriors of small stature who seldom rose above five and a half feet. As beautiful and skillfully designed as these swords are, they may not be perfectly suited for the modern warrior, who has grown to be a substantially taller and stronger version of his historical counterpart! With that in mind, Cold Steel has created the Dragonfly Series - a line of Japanese swords featuring thicker, wider and heavier blades. These beautiful swords have a distinctive teal-green silk cord-wrap and black samé (ray skin) handles, complementing rich iron furniture with a dragonfly motif. Their deeply curved and hand polished 1060 steel blades terminate in a long “iris leaf” point for maximum cutting potential. Additionally, these swords come with two protective bags. A blue cotton travel bag and an intricately decorative display bag made from fine heavy silk brocade.




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